Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Programming...

Well, I returned to my home about an hour ago from a wonderful, wonderful trip to Arkansas. Because of the need to get settled, do laundry, pay bills, return phone calls, etc., I won't be able to make an entry tonight to share all of the fun from the last few days. But, if all goes as planned, you'll see some entries in the near future filled with memories from the trip.

In all, some parts went better than expected. Some parts went much differently than I thought they would. I was able to make some wonderful new friends and deepen friendships with some that I've known for a long time. Everyone was so warm and welcoming. In some ways, it is very difficult to be back home...as that means the daily routine will start up again and I will have to return to work tomorrow. In other ways, no matter how great a trip is, it is nice to be settled in familiar surroundings and sleep in my own bed.

If I am able to find enough time between work and church tomorrow evening, a ton of pictures from various events of the trip will be posted here. So, check back soon for the stories and the photo travelogue.


Sandy-san said...

Welcome back!!! (((hugs)))


LaceyP said...

glad to hear you made it back safely! it was SO great to see you!