Many times I'll look at Tressa, Abi, and Rian and wonder what they'll look like when they're all grown. And, I picture these lovely ladies springing into adulthood looking much like they do now. But, I should know better. I, of all people, should know better because I don't look a thing like my baby pictures. And, those pictures are hilarious. Please trip down memory lane with me as I review the very special wardrobe choices and hairstyles captured in photos of my early life. (This is mostly for the amusement of my cousins who are "lurkers" here and never comment. We had a discussion about this just recently.)
We start out with a bang here. Already, at such an early age, I'm showing my flair for the over-dramatic. A theatre major in the making.
With a random curl jutting out from the top of my head, the flip behind my ear that still remains today and tons of slobber, I'm exhibiting the first signs of large (read: muscular) arms.
At eighteen months, I'm the epitome of modesty in this pink gown created by my Grandma Washburn. (No gloves?) Mom says it skimmed the floor so it looked like I was just floating around.
At two years and two months, I've traded in the long gown for a short light blue dress. Guess it is the best way to show off my lacey white anklet socks. This is when Mom started using the barrettes. (I think I still have indentations in my scalp from the use of them in these early days.)
I'm pretty sure these are actual
Garanimals... one of the very few pictures of the younger me in pants. Aaron is so cute, and he is sportin' one of Mom's custom haircuts. This is when my hair starts turning brown.
Did somebody (ANYBODY?) have a comb to loan to this poor soul? Kindergarten can be so rough. My expression shows that I'm not so sure about this school picture situation. (It doesn't get any better through the years.)
There's no way around it, folks. This is a mullet. Worse yet, a mullet with a ponytail. Even worse, a mullet with a lopsided ponytail.
This is documentation of the traumatic event of having my hair cut off. I was tricked, I tell you! With my hair and the dental issues, it's a wonder I'm smiling at all. Aaron is sporting the grown out version of his hair from his previous picture.
Here in second grade, I'm still dealing with the teeth issues. But, velour was popular back in the day (as seen here and on Aaron in the picture before.) I had at least 3 velour shirts in various shades of purple and blue, and I loved them. And, who didn't love those plastic ball ponytail holders? (Me.)
Oh, this is a doozie! A real sign of the times. This was my favorite outfit for such a long time: a peach two-piece fuzzy sweatshirt-like top with knee length skirt. The peach top had peach shiny quilted satin on the front. Aaron: brown corduroy jacket, haircut courtesy of Grandma Stremmel. Mom: the glasses, light blue polyester suit. Dad: Well, it's difficult to pay attention to anything besides that moustache.
In third grade, I was known for doing this: smiling while scrunching up my nose. Little did I know, I was preparing for 9 years of squinting and scrunching while wearing my glasses - which I obtained soon after this picture was taken. I thank God that my teeth eventually grew together! I'm also thankful that blouses (Mom's word) with the built in bow tie went out of style after the 80s.
Those are great. The commentary is priceless. But if you want to see funny, let me look around for a younger picture of me. Especially a family photo. I was in kindergarten and wore the same sized (thick, brown-framed) glasses as my dad. I had my mom's custom haircut (bowlcut).
Yes, Jeremy. Bring on those photos! I know there are many of us who can't wait to see the glasses or the haircut, so please find some pictures. We'll anxiously be waiting.
Hey Strem!
You are very brave putting these pics out for public display. But you are sooo cute :-)
I've got a couple of pics of me with my fashionable horned rim glasses. I was the envy of 2nd grade!
What cute pictures! I was subjected to glasses in the third grade as well. It was quite a trauma.
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