(Note: Since making this post, I've learned the site contains a few objectionable comments. I apologize - as I had remained focused on the restaurant pictures. Please proceed with caution.)
This was especially exciting to me because I knew there was a treasure trove of these specimens within a 3 mile radius of my work site. So, yesterday, I set out with the digital camera to capture two of my favorites. Think these will eventually be accepted by the Not Fooling Anybody site?
West End Diving (formerly Hardee's)
My favorite features are creatively-constructed "Learn Scuba" and "Snorkel Supplies" signs within the parking lot (formerly the Enter Here and Exit Here signs)...
The owners use their drive-through lane as a storage place for their shovel truck.
My second favorite transformation was, I believe, an actual success. At the intersection of the interstate and the main road that leads to my workplace, the meeting place for the John Calvin Presbyterian Church is located. Clearly, this is a former Circuit City store. But, the members chose to install windows and cover the tell-tale red brick tower facade with a suitable tan color before erecting a cross and the church name. Since the members have moved here, it is evident the building has been a true blessing to them.
It seems they were not the only church that had this idea. So you can compare, here is a plexiglass version (instead of stone or cement) of the Circuit City storefront.
Cool! I don't care. As long as SOMEBODY comes in and uses these abandoned sites, I am happy. One thing that disturbs me more than anything is an empty and boarded up restaurant (or store). I am SO glad that the old K-Mart in Wood River is FINALLY going to be utilized properly...
OMGoodness! I have been laughing like a crazy woman!!! These conversions are SO funny!!! xD
Marty and I actually came here once: http://www.notfoolinganybody.com/97budget/
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