Friday, July 24, 2009

All A-Twitter

Four of my young cousins have been asking me about Twitter again. I don't know if I have good answers to their questions regarding the purpose, the point, and the pay-off of having an account. What I do know is that over half of my friends that created a profile in the last 6 months no longer make regular posts (known as tweets). They have either deleted their account or they just follow their favorite celebrities' tweets. When groups of friends join and interact together, it seems like it can be a ton of fun. So cousins, if you're up for it, join and follow me. And, I'll follow you right back. (But, if you don't understand the point of status updates in Facebook, you probably won't like Twitter.)

Even if you don't create a profile and tweet all day long, you may have noticed that Twitter references are creeping into conversations and vocabulary. Late night talkshow hosts have been speaking to celebrities about their Twitter habits. And, there have been important news events which have been reported first through tweets.

There are several articles written about Twitter from which to learn more. Here is "All A-Twitter" from the Boston Globe from earlier this spring which explains how a businessman shared one of the first accounts of US Airways Flight 1549 landing in the Hudson River.


Jeremy Sarber said...

I use Twitter and I'm not sure I understand the point.

strem said...

You're in good company, then, Jeremy. Very good company.

Dani said...

I just haven't heard anything to sell me on twitter. I'm happy with Facebook.